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Ormit Talent

176 werknemers

Relationship Manager for Businesses Traineeship

Deadline: 09-01-2017 12:00:00


ORMIT and BNP Paribas Fortis are looking for Relationship Managers. Nothing remarkable there: a job, a vacancy, applications, talks, a final candidate and a contract. Right? Not quite. Most Relationship Managers at BNP Paribas Fortis (or anywhere, for that matter) have a lot of experience. That makes sense: this is a job that requires maturity and knowledge. Not something you master in a heartbeat. 

Yet, we’re looking for young people. And that’s what makes this offer so interesting. 

A traineeship that turns into a top job

The world is changing. Entrepreneurs increasingly use modern technologies and digital communication methods to connect with their bank. We believe young and talented minds can thrive in these circumstances. Even if you don’t master all the necessary skills today – you’re a fast learner, aren’t you? 

You’ll gain expertise by taking on different assignments throughout your traineeship. They will make sure you know everything there is to know about the bank and the job. But the devil isn’t in the hard skills here. It’s in those crucial things like working together and connecting people. In the ability to listen and understand. In knowing yourself and how your behaviour influences people, and in acting accordingly. These things are at the heart of our traineeship. 

What makes this job so special?

To put it briefly: this is the job you want if you’ve got a knack for the business world. You’re responsible for a client portfolio of companies with a revenue somewhere between 7,5 and 250 million euros. 

As a relationship manager, you’re the closest thing to a one-person-bank. You’re the first and only point of contact when your clients need financial advice. You’re the one earning their trust, thinking and dreaming up plans with them, proposing solutions and making things happen. As far as your clients are concerned, you are the bank. 

That means every day is interesting: 

  • Got a client in the transport sector? That means you’ll dive deep into the sector and get to know it inside-out. Trends, challenges, big players, new competitors on the market, ... you know them all. Same goes for food and technology or any other area where you have clients. 
  • Knowing about the sector is just the start. You’ll want to understand the company of your client too. That means a lot more than looking at a bank statement. It requires reading and understanding business models, seeing challenges and thinking about tomorrow. It means knowing how many people are working at your clients’ and making a quick phone call in the evening, checking up on that make-or-break deal that you know was on the table today. 
  • Know all about sector and company? Time to get personal. Your client is a human being, after all. An entrepreneur. Someone who is passionate about his or her company and who expects the same from his partners. So you’ll want to get to know your clients by taking them out to dinner or to a football match. It’s where you gain trust and crucial knowledge. 
  • Don’t forget this is a banking job. Financial products, loans, credits, ... you have an understanding of financial solutions and you can match them with the ambitions of your clients. 
  • And, of course, this is where the one-person-bank analogy breaks up. You’re very much not a bank on your own. You’ve got a team of experts behind you that you enrol in your projects whenever they are needed: credit specialists, venture capital specialists, legal advisors, ... They are the smartest in their fields. 

So, yes, it’s quite a special job. It’s one where you’re at the heart of BNP Paribas Fortis’s core business and of the one of your clients. 

What makes this traineeship so special?

Any traineeship will allow you to learn on-the-job through different challenges. Learning hard skills isn’t that hard really. Especially not when you’re constantly on the road with an experienced colleague or working together with specialists at different departments. We’ve got all that covered of course. You will get to know everything there is to know about the bank and the job. 

The real difference has to do with the way ORMIT helps you to develop during a personal development programme that hasn’t met its match. 

The programme consists of three crucial ingredients: 

  • Trainings, workshops, e-learnings, one-on-one talks, ... all aimed at getting to know yourself and developing and growing as a professional. You’ll spend many hours on nothing but yourself. That’s unique. 
  • A personal TDM (Talent Development Manager) who will help you grow through coaching, feedback and reflection. You’ll gradually understand your real potential and will be able to build on that. 
  • Co-learning with peers. It’s amazing what you can learn from other trainees that are not afraid to tell you how you come across and what effect you have on others. And it’s remarkable what you can pick up from the successes and failures of your colleagues. Indispensable if you want to grow fast. 
So, who are we looking for?

We’d love to hear from you if these bullet points describe you: 

  • You’ve got a master’s degree.
  • You’ve got under five years of experience. 
  • You’re either Dutch or French speaking with a good basis of the other language and the ambition to improve it. Moreover, you should be fluent in English. 
  • You’ve got a knack for the business world, that you can back up with studies, professional experiences or extracurricular activities. 
  • The commercial force is strong in you: you are a trustworthy business partner who can focus on long-term business goals and relationships. 
  • You’re responsible by nature and an entrepreneur at heart too. 
What’s the deal with ORMIT and BNP Paribas Fortis?

It’s simple, really. BNP Paribas Fortis needs young and talented future Relationship Managers. They’ve got the assignments and expertise and ORMIT has got the skills to find the right people and develop them into great professionals in a short period of time.   

So you will be working for ORMIT the next 18 months on several BNP Paribas Fortis assignments, all aimed at preparing you to take on a role as Relationship Manager. After successfully completing this period, you will get the opportunity to sign with BNP Paribas Fortis. 

Choose your business area!

Relationship Managers have a local portfolio. So you need to decide in which area you want to become a Relationship Manager after the traineeship. There are five areas:

  • Brussels
  • Flemish Brabant & Limburg
  • Antwerp
  • East & West Flanders
  • Wallonia 

During your traineeship you can be put to work in any of the five areas.

Ok, now what?

Send us your cv and state where you want to become a Relationship Manager and why you want this job so badly. From then on, the process will look like this: 

  • First we’ll screen your cv and motivation and invite you to complete capacity tests and a motivation-video (at home, sitting quietly behind your pc). It’s up to you to convince us with your motivation and personality. 
  • The next step is an interview at ORMIT. We look forward for you to surprise us with your enthusiasm and drive. 
  • Last and final step is an assessment that consists of a group exercise, personality test, role playing games,....  

If we feel a match all the way through, your contract will be waiting.